Candidates of the South Australian state election, 2010

Candidates of the 2010 South Australian state election.


Retiring MPs




House of Assembly

Sitting members are in bold. Successful candidates are highlighted in the relevant colour. Where there is possible confusion, an asterisk (*) is also used.

Electorate Held By Labor Candidate Liberal Candidate Greens Candidate Family First Candidate Other Candidates
Adelaide Labor Jane Lomax-Smith Rachel Sanderson Brett Ferris Laury Bais Nick Apostolou (FLT)
Tom Birdseye (G4C)
Shaun McGrath (FREE)
Samantha Paior (D4D)
Reuben Sebben (SRAH)
Ashford Labor Stephanie Key Penny Pratt Jennifer Bonham Robyn Munro
Bragg Liberal Ben Dineen Vickie Chapman Brendan Fitzgerald Nick Zollo
Bright Labor Chloe Fox Maria Kourtesis Graham Goss Kevin Cramp Nick Kalogiannis (FLT)
Shane Roos (Ind)
Meredith Louise Stock (SRAH)
Chaffey National Roland Telfer Tim Whetstone James Jordan Jack Papageorgiou Karlene Maywald (Nat)
David Peake (Ind)
Cheltenham Labor Jay Weatherill James Bourke Paul Downton Walter Shigrov Henrietta Child (Ind)
Colton Labor Paul Caica Peter Morichovitis Jim Douglas Dennis Power Yiannis Stamos (FLT)
Croydon Labor Michael Atkinson Zack McLennan James Hickey Alex Tennikoff Max Galanti (Ind)
Kat Nicholson (G4C)
Shaun Yates (Dem)
Davenport Liberal James Wangmann Iain Evans Nat Elliott Natasha Burfield Robert De Jonge (Ind)
Bridgid Medder (Dem)
Elder Labor Patrick Conlon Ben Turner Daryl Bullen Wendy Hay Greg Croke (Dem)
Enfield Labor John Rau Luke Westley Robert Simms Brett Dewey Andrew Stanko (Ind)
Finniss Liberal Mary-Louise Corcoran Michael Pengilly Diane Atkinson Bruce Hicks Maris Zalups (Ind)
Fisher Independent Adriana Christopoulos Christopher Moriarty Penny Wright Trish Nolan Bob Such (Ind)
Flinders Liberal Tauto Sansbury Peter Treloar Felicity Wright Grant Wilson Wilbur Klein (Nat)
Florey Labor Frances Bedford Patrick Trainor Craig McKay Andrew Graham Denes Marantos (SRAH)
Frome Independent John Rohde Terry Boylan Joy O'Brien John McComb Geoff Brock* (Ind)
Max Van Dissel (SRAH)
Giles Labor Lyn Breuer Chad Oldfield Andrew Melville-Smith Cheryl Kaminski
Goyder Liberal Christopher Hansford Steven Griffiths Joy Forrest Jill Lawrie Dave Munro (FREE)
Hammond Liberal Hannah Macleod Adrian Pederick Mark Byrne Joanne Fosdike
Hartley Labor Grace Portolesi Joe Scalzi Keith Oehme Sue Neal Mark Freer (DLP)
Natasha Marona (FLT)
Robert Waltham (SRAH)
Heysen Liberal Stephanie Gheller Isobel Redmond Lynton Vonow John Day Andrew Castrique (Dem)
Kaurna Labor John Hill Trisha Bird Yvonne Wenham James Chappell Marie Nicholls (Dem)
Jason Wuttke (FREE)
Kavel Liberal John Fulbrook Mark Goldsworthy Ian Grosser Colin Croft Kathy Brazher-Delaine (Dem)
Lee Labor Michael Wright Sue Gow Yesha Joshi Richard Bunting Bob Briton (Ind)
Joe Rossi (Ind)
Colin Thomas (Ind)
Light Labor Tony Piccolo Cosie Costa Penny Johnston Tony Bates Matt Allpress (G4C)
Lachlan Hetherington (FLT)
Simon Stewart-Rattray (SRAH)
Little Para Labor Lee Odenwalder Franz Knoll Paul Sharpe David Somerville
MacKillop Liberal Simone McDonnell Mitch Williams Andrew Jennings Jenene Childs Darren O'Halloran (Ind)
Mawson Labor Leon Bignell Matthew Donovan Palitja Moore Andrew Tainsh Ben Ernst (G4C)
Michael Lee (Ind)
David Senior (SRAH)
Harry Tsekouras (FLT)
Mitchell Independent Alan Sibbons Peta McCance Jeremy Miller Colin Gibson Kris Hanna (Ind)
Morialta Labor Lindsay Simmons John Gardner Scott Andrews Elizabeth Smit Peter Maddern (SRAH)
Morphett Liberal Tim Looker Duncan McFetridge Jack Robbins Helen Zafiriou
Mount Gambier Independent Viv Maher Steve Perryman Donella Peters Henk Bruins Nick Fletcher (Ind)
John Desyllas (FLT)
Don Pegler* (Ind)
Napier Labor Michael O'Brien Brenton Chomel Louise Rodbourn Gary Balfort Wayne Rich (Ind)
Newland Labor Tom Kenyon Trish Draper Holden Ward Dale Clegg Suren Krishnan (SRAH)
Ryan Haby (Ind)
Jim Zavos (FLT)
Norwood Labor Vini Ciccarello Steven Marshall Katie McCusker Paul Theofanous Pamela Anders (FLT)
David Egge (G4C)
Philip Harding (SRAH)
Rick Neagle (D4D)
Playford Labor Jack Snelling Kerry Faggotter Dion Ashenden Steve Ambler Frank Felmann (FREE)
Andrew Woon (Dem)
Port Adelaide Labor Kevin Foley Sue Lawrie Marie Boland Bruce Hambour Max James (Ind)
Ramsay Labor Mike Rann David Balaza Paul Petit Dale Ramsey Rod Steinert (Dem)
Reynell Labor Gay Thompson Shane Howard Lisa Adams Geoff Doecke
Schubert Liberal Lynda Hopgood Ivan Venning Terry Allen James Troup William Simidmore (Ind)
Stuart Liberal Sean Holden Dan van Holst Pellekaan Jane Alcorn Sylvia Holland Rob Williams (Ind)
Taylor Labor Leesa Vlahos Cassandra Ludwig Kirsten Wahlstrom Paul Coombe
Torrens Labor Robyn Geraghty Stuart Lomax Peter Fiebig Owen Hood
Unley Liberal Vanessa Vartto David Pisoni Nikki Mortier Luke Smolucha
Waite Liberal Adrian Tisato Martin Hamilton-Smith Matthew Wilson John Vottari
West Torrens Labor Tom Koutsantonis Jassmine Wood Tim White David Beattie Kon Briggs (SRAH)
Wright Labor Jennifer Rankine Tina Celeste Arthur Seager Mark Potter Garry Connor (D4D)
Source – Antony Green: ABC

Legislative Council

Sitting members are in bold. Tickets that elected at least one MLC are highlighted in the relevant colour. Successful candidates are identified by an asterisk (*). Eleven of twenty-two seats were up for election. The Labor Party was defending four seats. The Liberal Party was defending five seats. The Family First Party and an ex-Democrat independent were defending one seat each.

Labor Candidates Liberal Candidates Greens Candidates Family First Candidates Democrats Candidates Winderlich Candidates
  1. Paul Holloway*
  2. Gail Gago*
  3. Bernard Finnigan*
  4. John Gazzola*
  5. Tung Ngo
  1. David Ridgway*
  2. Stephen Wade*
  3. Terry Stephens*
  4. Jing Lee*
  5. Rita Bouras
  6. Peter Salu
  7. Sarah Jared
  1. Tammy Jennings*
  2. Simon Jones
  3. Sandy Montgomery
  1. Robert Brokenshire*
  2. Bob Randall
  3. Toni Turnbull
  1. Jeanie Walker
  2. Tom Salerno
  3. Sandra Kanck
  1. David Winderlich
  2. Kirsten Alexander
DFD Candidates DLP Candidates Fair Land Tax Candidates FREE Australia Candidates Gamers 4 Croydon Candidate Nationals Candidates
  1. Paul Collier[1]
  2. Kelly Vincent*
  3. Michele Thredgold
  4. Ronni Wood
  1. Paul Russell
  2. David McCabe
  1. George Kargiotis
  2. Andrew Haralampopoulos
  1. Paul Kuhn
  2. Ki Meekins
  1. Chris Prior
  1. Deb Thiele
  2. Kym Webber
One Nation Candidates Save RAH Candidates Shooters Party Candidates United Candidates Independent
Climate Sceptics
Christian for Voluntary Euthanasia
  1. Robert Edmonds
  2. Barbara Pannach
  1. Jim Katsaros
  2. Mark Taplin
  3. Ken Rollond
  4. David McGowan
  1. Michael Hudson
  1. Darian Hiles
  2. Deb Munro
  1. Nathan Ashby
  2. Frank Hunt
  3. John Michelmore
  1. Ian Wood
  2. Craig de Vos
Mark Aldridge Change is Necessary
SA Change
SA Fishing and Lifestyle
Legalise Voluntary Euthanasia
Less Tax Stewart Glass
Joe Ienco Motorsport Land Tax
  1. Mark Aldridge
  2. Helen Aldridge
  1. Lynette Crocker
  2. Dylan Coleman-Mastrosavas
  1. Neil Armstrong
  2. Paul Tippins
  1. Jenny Wheaton
  2. Denis Haynes
  1. Stewart Glass
  2. Michael Noack
  1. Joe Ienco
  2. Brenda Bates
No Desal No Dams
Single Ticket Candidates
  1. John Tregenza
  2. Corrie Vanderhoek

Joe Carbone
Howard Coombe
Michelle Drummond
Trevor Grace
Kelly Henderson

Doug McLaren
Gary Mitchall
Peter Panagaris
Frank Williams
Joseph Williams

Source – Antony Green: ABC


1 Dr Paul Collier died on 9 March 2010. His name remained on the ballot paper, and electors who cast a vote for him had their vote redirected to their next preference.[1]
